You can perform your SAP ASE backups by using one of the following options. Select the one that better meet your needs.


Before you can start using CxLink Backup with your SAP ASE Database you will need to ensure that following configuration options are configured in your server:

Create a dump configuration

In order to make it easier for backup adminsitrator to launch backups with specific settings, it is a best practice to create dump profiles. We can create as many Dump Profiles as we want, each one with different settings. This can be useful when we want to use, for example, one profile for Full Backups, other for Incremental Backup, another one for logs backups, and so on.

Syntax to create a dump profile, is as follows:

1> use master
2> go

1> sp_config_dump
    @config_name = '<profile_name>',
    @ext_api = 'emory::compression=<compression_level',
    @num_stripes = '<int>',
    @blocksize = '16384'
2> go

Use one of the following examples to create your dump configuration file. You can adapt these parameters to any value that better fits your needs:

Create dump profile for backups - 4 vCPUs with no compression
1> use master
2> go

1> sp_config_dump
    @config_name = 'emory_S8',
    @ext_api = 'emory::',
    @num_stripes = '8',
    @blocksize = '16384'
2> go
Create dump profile for backups - 8 vCPUs with compression
1> use master
2> go

1> sp_config_dump
    @config_name = 'emory_S8_C5',
    @ext_api = 'emory::compression=5',
    @num_stripes = '8',
    @blocksize = '16384'
2> go
Create dump profile for logs - 4 vCPUs with compression
1> use master
2> go

1> sp_config_dump
    @config_name = 'emory_S4_C1',
    @ext_api = 'emory::compression=1',
    @num_stripes = '4',
    @blocksize = '16384'
2> go

List existing dump profiles

To ensure that the dump profile has been properly created you can list the existing dump profiles by executing the following command:

1> use master
2> go
1> sp_config_dump
2> go

View configuration details

To view the configuration details of a specific dump profile, execute the following command:

1> use master
2> go
1> sp_config_dump <profile_name>
2> go
Expand to see an output example
 optionname          optionvalue
 -----------------   ---------------------
 ext_api             emory::compression=5
 num_stripes         8
 blocksize           65536

Configure database specific options

In this section you will find the specific configuration settings modifiable for ASE.

All the modifiable values will be listed in the Specific Database configuration for ASE database section in CxLink Backup menu:

? CxLink Backup:  [Use arrows to move, enter to select, type to filter]
  Storage Providers profiles
  Data storage providers for backups & restores
> Specific Database configuration for ASE database
  License Software
  Logging settings
  Syntax Backups Dashboard
  Backups Lifecycle
  Debug traces

Sybase IO Block Size

By default, the value of block size is set at 16 KB. You can keep increasing the value of block size by multiple of 2 KB till you get a higher I/O during dump and load operations.


It is a best practice to set the block size as 16 KB.

If you need to change this value, follow these steps:

  • Enter the proper section from the menu:
? Select action to perfom:   [Use arrows to move, enter to select, type to filter]
> Sybase IO Block Size
  • Select the desired IO Block Size:
? Select action to perfom:  Sybase IO Block Size
? Select Sybase IO Block Size (change only under supervision):   [Use arrows to move, enter to select, type to filter]
  4096 bytes
  8192 bytes
> 16384 bytes
  32768 bytes
  • You can now select Return and Exit to save the configuration if no other action should be taken.

The following settings should be applied to your SAP ASE Database:


To perform all the following actions your will need to connect to your SAP ASE database ISQL command line tool.

isql -U sapsa -P <your password> -S <SAP SID> -X
  • Check Database Page Size. The recommended value for creating dump configuration settings should be 16384

    1> select @@maxpagesize
    2> go
  • Activate Database Logging. In order to be able to recover a database with Point In Time options, yu must activate database logging.

    1> exec master..sp_dboption D04, 'trunc log on chkpt', false
    2> go
  • Enable Dumphistory File. To enable the dump history file, execute the following commands:

    1> use master
    2> go
    1> sp_configure 'enable dump history', 1
    2> go
    1> sp_configure 'dump history filename', 1, 'dumphist'
    2> go


    To ensure that the proper parameters have been activated you can list the current configuration by executing the following commands.

    1> sp_configure 'dump history filename'
    2> go
    Parameter Name         Default    Memory Used Config Value Run Value    Unit                 Type
    --------------------- ----------- ----------- ------------ ------------ -------------------- --------------------
    dump history filename   dumphist    0           dumphist     dumphist     name                 dynamic
    1> sp_configure 'enable dump history'
    2> go
    Parameter Name         Default    Memory Used Config Value Run Value    Unit                 Type
    --------------------- ----------- ----------- ------------ ------------ -------------------- --------------------
    enable dump history     0           0           1            1            switch               dynamic
  • List Dumphistory File contents. To list the current dump history file contents, you can execute the following commands:

    1> sp_dump_history
    2> go
    Expand to see an example
    Dump_Type    Dbid    Database_name   Stripes  Dump_instant                 File                                               Server_name  Compression_lvl  Password  Status    Label  Dump_date
    -----------  ------  --------------  -------  ---------------------------  -------------------------------------------------  -----------  ---------------  --------  --------  -----  --------------------------
    DATABASE     4        D04            4        May 22 2020  9:41:29:070AM   emory::compression=-2::D04.DB.20200522.093515.000    *          0                no        Success   *      May 22 2020  9:41:33:096AM
    DATABASE     4        D04            4        May 22 2020  9:41:29:070AM   emory::compression=-2::D04.DB.20200522.093515.001    *          0                no        Success   *      May 22 2020  9:41:33:096AM
    DATABASE     4        D04            4        May 22 2020  9:41:29:070AM   emory::compression=-2::D04.DB.20200522.093515.002    *          0                no        Success   *      May 22 2020  9:41:33:096AM
    DATABASE     4        D04            4        May 22 2020  9:41:29:070AM   emory::compression=-2::D04.DB.20200522.093515.003    *          0                no        Success   *      May 22 2020  9:41:33:096AM
    DATABASE     4        D04            4        May 22 2020 11:28:44:076AM   emory::compression=9::D04.DB.20200522.105442.000     *          0                no        Success   *      May 22 2020 11:29:29:353AM
    DATABASE     4        D04            4        May 22 2020 11:28:44:076AM   emory::compression=9::D04.DB.20200522.105442.001     *          0                no        Success   *      May 22 2020 11:29:29:353AM
    DATABASE     4        D04            4        May 22 2020 11:28:44:076AM   emory::compression=9::D04.DB.20200522.105442.002     *          0                no        Success   *      May 22 2020 11:29:29:353AM
    DATABASE     4        D04            4        May 22 2020 11:28:44:076AM   emory::compression=9::D04.DB.20200522.105442.003     *          0                no        Success   *      May 22 2020 11:29:29:353AM
    DATABASE     4        D04            0        May 22 2020 11:30:06:163AM   dump.error                                           *          0                no        Error            May 22 2020 11:30:06:163AM
    DATABASE     4        D04            4        May 22 2020 11:34:45:076AM   emory::::D04.DB.20200522.113046.000                  *          0                no        Success   *      May 22 2020 11:34:53:513AM
    DATABASE     4        D04            4        May 22 2020 11:34:45:076AM   emory::::D04.DB.20200522.113046.001                  *          0                no        Success   *      May 22 2020 11:34:53:513AM
    DATABASE     4        D04            4        May 22 2020 11:34:45:076AM   emory::::D04.DB.20200522.113046.002                  *          0                no        Success   *      May 22 2020 11:34:53:513AM
    DATABASE     4        D04            4        May 22 2020 11:34:45:076AM   emory::::D04.DB.20200522.113046.003                  *          0                no        Success   *      May 22 2020 11:34:53:513AM
    (return status = 0)

Backup and restore your database

Once CxLink Backup agent is installed and configured on your SAP Database Server, you can initiate backup and recovery using SQL statements.

Using SQL statements

The following are examples of SQL statements that you can use to perform backup and recovery. For more details, refer to the SAP Sybase or SQL Reference guides.

Full Backups

dump database <DB_SID> using config = <config_name>

Incremental backups

dump database <DB_SID> cumulative 
    using config = <config_file>
    with verify=header

Transaction Log backups

dump tran <DB_SID> using config = <config_name>

Restore your database

Get Load


Get LOAD sequence (Point In Time)

UNTIL_TIME="may 25, 2020 18:33:43:866pm"

Header verification

LOAD DATABASE D04 FROM 'emory::compression=9::D04.DB.20200522.205006.000'
STRIPE ON 'emory::compression=9::D04.DB.20200522.205006.001'
STRIPE ON 'emory::compression=9::D04.DB.20200522.205006.002'
STRIPE ON 'emory::compression=9::D04.DB.20200522.205006.003'

Dump History

View Dump records from command line

sp_dump_history [  @operation = {'list' | 'purge' | 'listfiles' | 'help'}]|
'listpurgefiles' | 'purgefiles' | 'upgrade' | 'downgrade'}][, @until_time =
'date'] [, @name = '<database or file name>'][, @dump_type = {'DATABASE' |
{'success' | 'fail' | 'deleted'}][, @file = '<filename>'][, @version = '1.0']
(return status = 0)

Using SAP DBACockpit

You can schedule your backup from the SAP DBACockpit by following these steps:

  1. In SAP GUI, run transaction DBACOCKPIT.

  2. Click on Schedule an Action under Favorites to open the scheduling wizard

  3. Continue to start the configuration


  1. Select Database Dump from the action drop down list.


  1. Select the Database and the Dump Configuration. (For backint interfaces a dump configuration is mandatory. If you don't have any, please follow the steps in create dump configuration to create one.)


  1. Execute. Review the summary and execute the process.

alt text

  1. Finish. The job has been launched. You can check for the results in the SAP DBACockpit Logs.

alt text

Using SAP Control Center

Access the Administration Console in SAP Control Center, and follow these steps to perform your backup/restore operations:

  1. Jump to Schema Objects-Databases-User Databases, select your database and select Back Upalt text

  2. Select Backup using configuration and the Dump Configuration for your database. (For backint interfaces a dump configuration is mandatory. If you don't have any, please follow the steps in create dump configuration to create one.)
    alt text

  3. Type of Backup. Select the type of backup that you want to perform. alt text

  4. Options. Leave the use modified options option unckecked to use the configuration profile options. alt text

  5. Summary. Review the summary and finish the process. alt text

  6. Activity Log. You will see the backup output if you have selected not to schedule the job. alt text

Where are your backup stored?

Your backups will be stored in the target bucket following these formatting:


All backup files from the same backup will have the exact same suffix. These can help you to identify the objects of a specific backup.

Example: HDB/SYSTEMDB/2020/05/01/D04.DB.20210713.164512.003