SAP Netweaver 7.52 ABAP ASE Suse (SAP License not included)

In this section you will find the required information to start using your SAP Netweaver 7.52 ABAP ASE on Suse instance in just minutes.


What does the instance include

EC2 instance comes with the following products:

  • SAP Netweaver 7.52 ABAP
  • SAP ASE 1600404
  • SuSE Enterprise Server 15.4

EC2 & SAP information

The following table shows the relevant information about the SAP software installation included in the AMI:

SAP ASCS Instance Number01
SAP PAS Instance Number10
SAP Administrator Userlnkadm
SAP ASE Administrator Usersyblnk
Master PasswordxI7oOWE5DaFouMej6Hjl

Password Change

It is mandatory to change the Database installation Master Password so that it remains private to you and meets all security requirements.

Deploy your instance

Follow the next steps to deploy your new SAP instance:

  1. Log on to Amazon MarketPlace in new window

  2. Search for "Preinstalled SAP NW 7.52 ABAP ASE on Suse (SAP License not included)" and access the product

  3. Click on Continue to Subscribe.

  4. Choose an Instance Type. Select one of the AWS instance size from the available choices.

  5. Configure Instance Details Configure and define a network and subnet. If you need to connect directly by internet you need to enable Auto-assign Public IP.

  6. Add Storage. You can choose the EBS volume type, you can leave as default or use SSD / IOPS for best performance. In this point you can increase the size of the volumes to expand the filesystems. It depends on the size of the database you are going to use.

  7. Add Tags. Next step is to tag the instance so you can identify it in the AWS Console.

  8. Configure Security Group. You have to open the necessary ports in AWS security Group to allow the connection.

    Minimal ports needed to access the instance are:

    TypeProtocolPort RangeDescription
    SSHTCP22Connect to the EC2 instance remotely
    SAP DispatcherTCP3200-3299Used by SAP Gui for Windows and Java
    SAP GatewayTCP3300-3399Used for CPIC and RFC communication
    ICM HTTPTCP8000-8099Default port range. Can be set up for any different port
    ICM HTTPSTCP44300 - 44399Defaultport range. Can be set up for any different port
  9. Review Instance Launch. Review the configuration and click on Launch when accepted.

  10. The process will ask you to provide an existing Key Pair or to create a new one. If you choose to create a new one, do not forget to download the Key Pair file as this will be mandatory to access the EC2 instance through SSH.

  11. After a few minutes, you can access your instance with SSH and do the final configuration steps.

Post-deployment Steps

The following is the list of tasks to be done before you can start working with your SAP environment:

Connect to your EC2 instance

For some actions you will need to access your EC2 instance via SSH. To do so, follow the next steps:

  1. In the EC2 console, navigate to instances. This will list all your instances in Amazon EC2. Make sure the SAP instance you want to connect to is in “running” state. If not, choose the instance, then click on Instance Actions menu, and click on Start in the pull down menu.

  2. Make a note of the IP address assigned to the instance. You will need it to connect to this SAP instance in AWS.

  3. SSH to the instance with ec2-user and the key pair chosen at launch time. To access your instance:

    1. Open an SSH client. (If you are running Windows, check how to connect using Puttyopen in new window
    2. Locate your private key file (<keypair>.pem).
    3. Connect to your instance using its IP:
      ssh -i "<keypair_path>/<keypair>.pem" ec2-user@<IP Addr>

EBS Pre-warming

We recommend you run some pre-warming commands the first time you start the system to increase performance from the beginning. First time you launch an instance from an AMI, the process synchronizes the snapshots that compose this AMI with the EBS volumes of your instance. This can take a long time depending on the size of the disks and the instance type you have chosen. Depending on the instance, it can run out of storage credits and perform at its baseline (3 iops x gb), this situation becomes a bottleneck. The process can take up to 12 hours with a m4.4xlarge instance.

To pre-warm your disks follow the guidelines in the AWS Documentation Guide in new window

Start SAP instance

Follow these steps to start your SAP instance:

  1. Connect via SSH to your EC2 instance as describe in the previous section.

  2. From the ec2-user shell, jump into the syblnk user:

    sudo su - syblnk
  3. Execute the following command to start ASE DB Server:

    cd $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/install
    startserver -f $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/install/RUN_LNK

    Wait until the database is started, showing message like the following:

  4. From the ec2-user shell, jump into the lnkadm user:

    sudo su - lnkadm
  5. Execute sapcontrol command to start all required services.

    sapcontrol -nr 01 -function Start
    sapcontrol -nr 10 -function Start
  6. If the instance is correctly started, you will see a message like the one below:

    Instance on host sapnw started

Obtain a SAP License

Follow these steps to obtain and install a new license for the deployed SAP instance:

  1. Get the instance’s hardware key to obtain the license from the SAP Service Marketplace issuing the following command as the lnkadm user:

    saplicense -get
  2. Go to in new window and obtain a valid license key for your system (SID LNK and the hardware key obtained in the preceding step). Now you have a text file with the license.

  3. Configure SAPGUI to access the SAP Server. Change the IP for the one obtained during instance launch.

  4. Log in to SAP with SAPGUI to Client 000, with user SAP* and Password Zaq12wsX (Case Sensitive).

  5. Call transaction SLICENSE

  6. Click on New Licenses if needed, click Install and insert the text file you received from SAP.

Ready to work

If all the previous steps are done, you are ready to start working with your new SAP Instance!

Check [Maintenance] section for more details in how to manage the daily basis.