Microsoft Azure
The following section is intended to help you troubleshoot problems while settings Azure configuration parameters.
Reason: Set Blob Tier cannot be used with customer-provided keys.
You try to perform a backup to the Cool Storage Tier with a different encryption key that the one set in the storage account.
_10Description=The request contains an invalid combination of headers._10RequestId:de23d20c-401e-0070-033c-b4db15000000_10Time:2021-09-28T07:41:36.7384607Z, Details:_10Code: InvalidHeadersCombination_10HeaderNames: x-ms-encryption-scope,x-ms-access-tier_10Reason: Set Blob Tier cannot be used with customer-provided keys. -
Due to Azure API restrictions, it is not possible to upload files to a different Access Tier Type than "Hot" using a customer-provided key in the configuration file.
- Unset the encryption scope in the Backint configuration for this files
- Set the Hot Access Tier as the target for your backups.