📄️ Storage Provider Profiles
This section will help you to understand what are the Storage Provider profiles and how to manage them.
📄️ Backup catalog maintenance
Download catalog, query backups and delete expired backups using your command line interface.
📄️ Configuration File
This section will help you understand the Backint configuration process and to locate all the configuration files.
📄️ Secure Connections with AWS PrivateLink
You can secure the connection between your AWS VPC and Run endpoint using AWS PrivateLink. This section will guide you on how to create an optional AWS PrivateLink to keep your connection using the AWS Backbone.
📄️ ChangeLog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
📄️ Maintenance
This section will show you how to perform different actions to mantain Backint application.
📄️ Backups Dashboard
This section will help you understand the logic on the Backups Dashboard and how to work with it.
📄️ Backup Lifecycle & Housekeeping
This section will help you understand the components and functionality of backup lifecycle with Backint.
📄️ Logging & Traces
Backint Settings will log all the information related with a backup or restore execution in its own log file.
📄️ Notifications
This section will help you understand the logic on the notifications about backup executions.