All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
2410.22 Bibimbap
- Sybase: Backup operation fails when multiple backups are executed at once
- Monitoring configuration. SNS endpoint:
- Error on initial configuration using interactive menu
- Unable to deactivate configuration from interactive menu once it is activated
2408.06 Ramen
- License cache expiring before expected
- SAP HANA Restore Parallelization
- Notifications via SNS are now configurable to notify only on failed backups
2402.12 Onigiri
- Windows MSSQLS: Implement check to be sure that number of execution threads is at least 1
- Windows MSSQLS: Implement backup dashboard notification during execution
2312.20 Udon
- Oracle RMAN compatibility (Linux)
- SNS notifications Filter added to send only errors in backups
- Fix: Error loading libstdc++ libraries when executing emory.exe (Windows)
- DB2 backup process improvement during data upload to storage provider (Linux)
- Internal product improvements
2306.12 Sushi
- Microsoft Windows compatibility. Supported databases: Oracle, Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server
- Microsoft SQL Server compatibility (Windows only)
- Fix: Backups lifecycle autodelete functionlity fails for big Backint catalog files
- Fix: HANA System Copy fails downloading catalog from provider
2304.11 Kimchi
DB2 for HA supported. Refer to DB2 High Availability for more information
DB2 backup/restore operations for non-SAP databases is now allowed
SAPSYSTEMNAMESAPSYSTEMNAME environment variable is not used anymore for DB2 databases.
Files under conf directory will automatically migrated to a new name based on DB2INSTANCE environment variable instead.
Also backups will be saved to a new folder defined by DB2INSTANCE. Previous backups will remain under their original locations defined by SAPSYSTEMNAME and can be recovered normally.
Oracle restore process optimized for better performance
- DB2 redirected restore fix
2301.27 Maki
DB2 System copy catalog download fix
DB2 Improvement on logging messages
DB2 Verify backup images downloading to local disk and launching db2ckbkp
DB2 backup process fixes
DB2 restore process fixes
DB2 memory segmentation faults. Sometimes memory segmentation faults, not afecting to normal Backint operation, were reported in DB2 logs when sessions ended
DB2 backup, restore and log archiving operations optimized for large databases
Backint DB2 library splitted. Due to performance issues Backint DB2 functionalities have been splitted into a new library
CxLinkBackup Configuration files automigration method on RPM installation
CxLinkBackup Catalog file automigration method on RPM installation
CxLinkBackup Changelog added to RPM query option: rpm -q --changes emory-1.0-ZZXX.YY.x86_64.rpm
CxLinkBackup Retry 3 times on Backup Object failure with 60 seconds interval
CxLinkBackup AWS SDK Debug logs enabled on S3 operations
cautionAs DB2 library file name has changed, some configuration adjustments must be performed under your systems:
- If you are scheduling your backups using shell scripts, change db2 command load directive from /opt/emory/lib/ to /opt/emory/lib/
- Change DB2 log archiving methods (LOGARCHMETH1 and/or LOGARCHMETH2 DB2 parameters) from VENDOR:/opt/emory/lib/ to VENDOR:/opt/emory/lib/
2211.08 Teriyaki
- Fix log error on succesfull backup
- Fix on configuration migration process between versions
- Fix when launching normal backups when system recovery profile is set
- Fix UNIQUE constraint failed on catalog
- DB2 system copy process fixed. Sometimes system copy catalog was downloaded but not used
- Memory usage for DB2 backup process optimized
- DB2 multiple I/O sessions for incremental backups restore process issue fixed. In certain circumstances, DB2 stores some of the backup files as 4 kb header only files and Backint was not able to read those properly
- Azure defaults for DB2 changed
- Azure non-interactive provider settings from command line fixed
- System copy non-interactive provider settings from command line fixed
- [internal] DB2 ci/cd automated testing improved
- DB2 backup/restore/archive processes improved
- DB2 multiple I/O sessions for backup/restore fixed and improved
- Azure data transfer (upload/download) improved
- [internal] DB2 ci/cd automated testing implemented
- [internal] MaxDB ci/cd automated testing implemented
- [internal] Fix Azure unit test
- Fix Azure Storage Access Tier management during uploads
- Fix Azure connection issues
- Upgrade Azure libraries
- Upgrade Go framework to 1.18.4
- Fix: HANA catalog lifecycle is not calculated properly
- Fix: HANA logs lifecycle is not calculated properly
- Optional release. Backint configuration file minor fix
- Refactoring and optimization
- DB2 compatibility
- MaxDB compatibility
- Azure compatibility
- Minor bugs fixed
- Expired backups automatic deletion
- Troubleshooting package generator
- Fix Oracle restore to new destination bug
- Internal catalog management improvements
- HANA data autodiscover improvements
- Fix Oracle backup dashboard notifications
- AWS SNS notifications added
- Sybase dashboard notifications fix
- Weekly lifecycle on tuesdays error fix
- Catalog file backup
- Internal catalog management fixes
- AWS dashboard data sending improvements
- Online license check improvements
- Upload existing backups to dashboard using interactive settings
- Disables HANA Catalog backup notification to Console Dashboard
- Now you can configure wich type of backups you can notify to Console Dashboard, LOG type, others or both of them.
- Enable emory debug traces log using Backint settings wizard
- Race condition fix for parallel processes trying to access local Backint backups database - emory.db
- LinkeIT Console backups dashboard notification fix for HANA Databases. In special scenarios backup end message was not send to
- LinkeIT Console backups dashboard making the backup to remain in Started status even when the backup is done.
- New configuration model
- [Azure] Storage on Azure container
- Hana backint Certified by SAP
- Oracle backint Certified by SAP
- Sybase Library for backups
- Backups Lifecycle
- Oracle Backup Compression
- Sybase Backup Compression
- OnPremise Backup/Restore (Configuring AWS credentials with AWS Cli)
- Unattended licensing
- Backups Dashboard via LinkeIT Console Web
- CLI Backint Catalog Management
- [AWS] Data Storage on S3 Bucket
- [AWS] KMS Encryption support
- [AWS] Access other AWS account resources via AssumeRole (S3/KMS and SNS Topic )