📄️ Overview
The Data Retention Tool (DART) was designed to aid SAP users in meeting legal data retention requirements for tax audit purposes. DART allows you to periodically extract and retain tax-relevant data from active SAP applications. DART extracts the data into sequential files and provides tools for viewing the retained data in various way.
📄️ Setup a Content Repository
In this section you will define a connection between your SAP server and the desired storage container (Amazon S3 Bucket, Azure Storage Blob, IBM Bucket).
📄️ Define DART destination
Now that you have defined a Content Repository is time to set up CxLink to start managing all new attachments uploaded to your system. To do so, in the following configuration steps you will assign all documents attached to the SOFFHIO class, category SOFFDB to the content repository of your choice by using the Cxlink Category /LNKAWS/AT.
📄️ Import existing documents
You already have an existing Content Management server (SAP Content Server, Opentext, IBM FileNet...) and you want to migrate its contents to an cloud storage. Documents will be moved in a one-by-one strategy and an integrity check will be performed each time a document is stored in the target storage container.
📄️ Export documents
If for any reason you need to migrate back to a previous content repository, follow these steps: