📄️ Overview
Welcome to CxLink Data Lakes, an advanced solution designed to optimize data transfer from SAP systems to cloud storage platforms such as Amazon S3 and Kinesis. Leveraging the capabilities of SAP Landscape Transformation (SLT), this product enables real-time replication of critical SAP data to your data lake, facilitating advanced analytics, reporting, and data-driven decision-making based on up-to-date information.
📄️ Configuration
The following steps need to be performed to implement your custom logic when writing to a target system.
📄️ Customizing
In this section you will learn all the data customization that you can do to ensure the output is what you expect:
📄️ Activate and replicate
In this section you will find an example in how to start replication data to AWS. This is just an example on how to create your first replication, but you must adapt it to your landscape complexity.
📄️ Logs
In this section you will define the relantioship between the buckets previously created and a Content Repository in transaction OAC0.