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Version: 723.SP03

Quick Setup

If you want to start using Cxlink Suite as soon as possible, you can follow this quick setup guide. This guide will help you to configure your SAP server to start using Cxlink Suite in a few steps.


Configuration steps are available in the SPRO transaction in your SAP server. To start the configuration process, login to your SAP Server and follow the steps below:

PostProcessing Steps


CxLink Suite use a similar model to SAP. You will first generate a unique identifier file from your SAP Server. Once obtained, you will need to upload that file to the Cxlink Portal License Manager and attach it to an active license. If upload is succesfull, it will generate a license file that will be imported to the SAP Server and will activate the license. Follow these steps to activate your license:

  • Login to your productive client in SAP and go to SPROCxlink Suite by SyntaxLicensing and select Execute.

  • Choose Generate License Request and execute. Connector License

    Production system

    As per license model, one cxlink license is valid for both prod and non-prod servers in the same landscape, but only one server can be set as the production one.

    If you are running this step for your production server, please mark the Production system option for support purposes.

  • In the pop-up screen, select a destination in your computer to store the license request file. Specify a name for the file and Save.

  • Login to CxLink Portal

  • Go to LicensingLicenses section in Documents Hub, and search for a license with free slots. (Check the Usage column to find if there are free slots available) Connector License

  • Open the license details and press Register a host Connector License

  • In the Pop Up screen, Upload the license request file previously generated.

  • If the file is correctly uploaded, you will see a message Host registration successfully completed. Connector License

  • Press on Download the license to save the path to your computer.

  • Go back to the SPROCxlink Suite by SyntaxLicensing section in your SAP Server.

  • Select Activate License, find the license file from the dialog box window and select Execute or (F8). Connector License

  • If everything is in order, you should see a message at the bottom of the SAP Logon screen with the message Product successfully installed.

  • To double-check, select License Status to check the license validity.

  • Starting from SP03, once you have activated the license, you can enable the option to update it online, when activated, will verify if a new license is available when the current one expires and automatically update it. License Update

Activate cloud providers

Cxlink Suite integrates with multiple cloud providers (Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, IBM Cloud... ). In this section you will specify which providers do you want to work with. Those unchecked will remain hidden for a cleaner experience. You can activate them later if needed.


For an easier experience, we recommend to only activate those providers that will be actually used. You can activate more providers later if needed.

  • Go to SPROCxlink Suite by SyntaxActivate Cloud Providers and select Execute.
  • Select every provider that you want to use as a destination for your documents. Activate Services
  • Select Execute or (F8).

Certificate Management

To ensure secure connections between SAP and the cloud providers by using HTTPS connectivity you will need to ensure that your SAP servers holds all Root and CA certificates for every cloud in the STRUST transaction.

Skip if already imported

You can skip this section if you have previously download and imported the proper cloud certificates into your SAP Strust transaction and go directly to the Maintain Internet Communication Manager Service section

Cxlink can handle the download and installation of the proper certificates for all providers that were activated in the previous step. Cxlink uses the report /LNKAWS/IMG_STRUST_PROVIDERS to take care all needed actions. It uses wget and openssl programs to retrieve the certificates.

Software minimum versions

Ensure that you have at least the following software versions in your SAP Server if you want to use the automatic certificate control.

  • wget - version 1.2.3
  • openssl- version 13.4.

To prepare and execute the automatic process:

  • In your SAP server fo to SPRO transaction.

  • Go to Cxlink Suite by SyntaxAutomatic Certificate ManagementMaintain external OS commands (SM69) and select Execute.

    This program will generate two entries in the SM69 transaction (ZWGET and ZOPENSSL) to operate with the corresponding programs at os level for certificate handling. Programs

    On success, you will get the following message.


  • Go back to SPRO, and execute Cxlink Suite by SyntaxAutomatic Certificate ManagementImport certificates


    This program will download and import all needed certificates to the STRUST transaction under the SSL Standard (Client) section.

    • In the pop up screen, Accept the execution.
    SPRO certificates approve
    • It can take a few minutes to complete, but on success you will get a list of the imported certificates.
  • (Optional) Go back to SPRO and execute Cxlink Suite by SyntaxAutomatic Certificate ManagementSchedule certificates job.


    In some occassions certificates could expire. You can schedule a periodical job to take care of downloading the latest versions of each certificates. This action can be scheduled in a weekly period. No need to execute it daily.

    • In the Job start conditions select the execution date and time and periodicity.
    • Keep the rest of steps with the default values.

Maintain Internet Communication Framework (ICF)

Cxlink Suite uses the Internet Communication Framework (ICF) to handle all incoming and outgoing communications with the cloud providers. When sending a request to a specific URL, the system triggers a SICF node responsible for initializing functionalities and tasks. The handler class /LNKAWS/CL_ARCH_LINK_TO_SDK serves as a universal manager for interacting with multiple cloud services.


If you have already configured the ICF service for another Cxlink Suite module, you can skip this step.

  • Go to SPROCxlink Suite by SyntaxMaintain Internet Communication Framework (ICF) and select Execute.

If the user executing this report does not have the proper permissions to attach roles, please ask your basis team to assign the role to the user.

  • Go to SPROCxlink Suite by SyntaxMaintain Internet Communication Framework (ICF) and select Execute.
  • Choose to Create new user or Select an existing user.
  • Define the Username and Password in both cases.
  • Check the Add authorization profile to user option if you have not previously attached the role to an existing user and you have the proper permissions to assign roles SPRO SICF
  • Execute to activate the service and assign the user. SPRO SICF Success
  • Ensure that the role /LNKAWS/WD_MAMAGER has been generated and the User comparison is correct. For that go to PFCG transaction, select /LNKAWS/WD_MANAGER role and click on Display. PFCG Role
  • If both the Authorizations and User tabs are green, you can skip the rest of steps and jump to Credentials section.
  • If not, Enter Change Mode and select Change Authorization Data to generate the authorization profile. PFCG Role
  • Select Generate and Exit. Accept the default values when prompted for a Profile Name. PFCG Generate
  • Back to the Change Roles screen, select the User tab and execute User Comparison. PFCG Compare
  • Select Full Comparison and check the success message. PFCG Compared
  • You can now exit and continue with the process.


If you server is running on-prem or in a different provider and you want to connect by using IAM credentials specific for your cloud provider, you will need to define them in this step.

Credentials encryption

All credentials stored in this table will be encrypted by default.

To add credentials

  • Go to SPROCxlink Suite by SyntaxCredentialsCloud Credentials

  • From the dropdown list, select the desired option:

    To add a new AWS Identity Management (IAM) user to the configuration:

    • Select New credential.
    • In the General Data section:
      • Select Amazon Web Services for provider
      • Select AWS IAM User as credentials type.
    • In the Specify Credentials Data, specify the AWS Account ID and User Name of the IAM user and its Access Key and Secret Key.
    • Press Next.
    • Review for details and create.

(Only for AWS) Assumed Roles

If you plan to use Assumed Roles to access resources in different AWS Accounts than the one that your server is running on, you will need to define them in the following table, assigning a short alias name to them. This will prevent some errors to occur because of the long size of the IAM roles ARN.

To add assumed roles to the configuration:

  • Go to SPROCxlink Suite by SyntaxCredentialsAssumed Roles and select Execute.
  • Select New to create a new key/pair value role.
  • In the Assume Role Manager screen:
    • Provider: Keep Amazon Web Services.
    • Assume alias: A short descriptive name for your role to let you easily identify it during later steps.
    • Assume ARN: ARN of the role that you want SAP to assume. Assumed Role
  • Repeat the process to create as many assumed roles as you need.

Ready to go

The actions executed are