October 2024
SAP Certification Achivements
With SP03 enhacements, Cxlink Suite has achieved the S/4HC-ADDON 2023 ‒ ADD-ON FOR SAP S/4HANA CLOUD PRIVATE EDITION 2023 SAP Certification.
It also adds the "Works on RISE with SAP" certification. This certification demonstrates our commitment to providing high-quality solutions that meet the needs of our customers.
SAP Certification Solution Directory
You can view all our certifications on the SAP website. Click here
- Rebrand CxLink products
- Cxlink Documents and CxLink Archive now is "CxLink for ArchiveLink"
- Cxlink ILM now is "CxLink for ILM"
- Now you can pdate your license online
- Correct texts on /LNKAWS/IMG_LICENSE
New HyperScalers available for CxLink for ArchiveLink
- In addition to our embedded implementation of the AWS and Azure SDK libraries, CXLink for ArchiveLink is now compatible with:
- The official AWS SDK for ABAP
- IBM Cloud for both Public and Private Clouds
Cxlink for Archivelink
- Added new Log Monitor.
- Solved an issue that was present with the multipart
- Additional checks when delete a Content Repository
- Fix "Measure size" on AWS in /LNKAWS/IMG_STORAGES
Cxlink Data Lakes
- Added new Log Monitor for Datalakes.
- Minor stabilization fixes
- Performance improvement in Datalakes (fields configuration)
- Optional disablement of special char conversions for performance improvement
- Bug in table deletion in the 'Source table fields' configuration
- KMS get public key implementation
- Test program to upload file and measure time