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Version: 700



New features:

  • Escaping for CSV output Corrections:
  • Kinesis streams healthchecks
  • Errors caused by newer DMIS version
  • Operation column not being included when no additional column was streams
  • Size for resource configuration was too short in the dynpro


New features:

  • Selection of fields from the source structure
  • URL escaping of the object key for s3 and Kinesis
  • Info added to CxLink Datalakes Healthcheck
  • Activation of the 'update structure' check for replication configurations Corrections:
  • Date in CxLink log now retrieved from server directly instead of from timestamp (timezone-dependant) to be aligned with SAP standard logs


New features:

  • Type of transformation of data is now selectable at a field level in the 'Selection of source fields' screen
  • Improvement of the information displayed in the CxLink Datalakes Healthcheck Includes core SP01 Disclaimer! Some objects weren't added to the SP, so the immediate installation of SPO04 is strongly advised!


New features:

  • New general configuration for data transformation so applying specific configuration at a field level is not mandatory
  • Add %ROWHASH% variable in Kinesis generation of partition key
  • New customizing point to choose the way the table name is generated when in contains conflictive characters Corrections:
  • Corrects issues in data files generated for cluster tables
  • Corrects the deletion of internal spaces in text values in extracted tables


New features:

  • Adds options to customize the generated file name
  • New class to allow activation and deactivation of CxLink Datalakes configurations
  • Enablement of e-mail notification for any structure change in replicated source tables; new customizing point in the "Specify Transfer Method" step in the wizard
  • Additional fields added as columns in the payload, as well as new information is used in the generation of the file name, when informing about a structural change
  • Any empty value in the source is forced to be assumed as 'null' in order to use default values in date or time type fields Corrections:
  • Dumps for uncaught exceptions when the communication with AWS failed
  • Line breaks and carriage returns in free texts are now detected and replaced by blank spaces.


New features:

  • Added the possibility of defining a specific custom path destination for the files generated due to source schema changes.
  • Mass Transfer ID is included in the e-mail sent to notify the existance of a source schema drift.
  • Improved controls and checks in CxLink Datalakes configurations wizard.
  • New transaction to manage legacy configurations.
  • 'Athena format' is added as an option when the output file type is JSON.
  • Record type is included as an environment variable (%REC_TYPE%) in the additional columns customization, besides its use as an obligatory additional column at the beginning set of additional columns placed before the actual payload (column 'US_OPERATION').


  • %HRS% environment variable was not working properly in dynamic custom prefix and file name generation.
  • CSV data fixed length at 4096 characters is no longer a limitation.
  • Additional line feeds issues solved.
  • Some detected CxLink Datalakes Logs issues solved.


New features:

  • New environment variables added for conforming the file prefix, partition key and file name dynamic values: %MLS% (millisecond) and %MCS% (microsecond).


  • In customizing, some data resets when updating the preparation format configuration.
  • In the 'Output Settings' of the 'Specify Transfer Method' step of the wizard, the label of the relevant identifier value is displayed dynamically, according to the type of service it is using: Prefix' for AWS S3 buckets and 'Partition Key' for AWS Kinesis streams.

Other changes:

  • The LTRC button is no longer present in the /LNKAWS/SLT_LTR transaction due to the finding of erratic behavior of the standard transaction when executed that way.
  • In the 'Preparation Format' option of the 'Customizing' tab, the options 'Sign reallocation', 'ALPHA conversion' and 'Floating point conversion where needed' are checked by default when a new configuration is created.



  • Fixed drag-and-drop issue in additional columns customizing
  • Deletion of ASCII control characters that potentially leaded to errors
  • Fixed an error that occurred when a source NUMC field contained non-numerical characters
  • Corrections in FM for the 'Rotate Keys' report