Service Support

Included during the subscription, Syntax will provide 8x5 support, Monday to Friday from 9 to 18h, Central European Time. Support will cover end user incidents and bug fixing.

Members only access

Only authenticated users (Members) can open and track their issue tickets.

Each product integrates an issue collection and tracking system based on JIRA tickets. Using this system, whenever you find an issue or problem and want to communicate it to the support team, you can open a ticket and keep track of it.

You will find the "Manage issues" button in the "Service Hub" of each service, located in the upper right corner of the page.

Issue Collector Access


Opening and tracking issues

Follow these steps to open an issue related with any of our products:

  • On the Service Hub page of the service, click on the button "Manage issues".
  • You will be redirected to the CxLink Support page.
  • From this page you will be able to create a new issue, ask a question to the support team, or manage all your previous issues.